Our Vision

O U R   V I S I O N

Christ & Community First

As we try to reach our goal of putting Christ and community first, we believe God has called us to three simple tasks: reach the lost, restore the broken, and feed the hungry. Our ongoing ministries are opportunities for our congregation and others to participate in these tasks. We try to remain outwardly and upwardly focused as we build these activities on a foundation of the Word of God and prayer, accompanied by heart-felt worship.

Are You Hungry?

Since 2010, our summer meals program has become a signature ministry. In the past 14 years, we have fed more than 30,000 meals to hungry children. We try to minister to their emotional, educational, recreational, and spiritual needs as well. Not every child is hungry for food, but many of them and their families are hungry for love. We all need meaningful relationships with those who see the value in us. We value every person, regardless of age, abilities, appearance, social status, or lifestyle. God loves every one of us the same, and we believe those who respond to that love in a personal way should commit their lives to faithful and selfless service.

We don’t just serve meals in the summer and not just to children. We provide a drive-through meal for the community  almost every Saturday, and many of our “big events” include what we call a “fellowship meal.” We delight in preparing meals to grieving families after the death of a loved one, and we support local food pantries and the Johnston City Ministerial Alliance as it ministers to local individuals and families in crisis.

Are You Hurting?

We do recognize the needs of the hurting and broken. Our pastor, Dr. Randy Carney, is bring many years of experience as a chaplain in local hospitals, businesses, and currently serves as a hospice chaplain. His messages are simple, illustrated with engaging stories, and filled with compassion and understanding of not only the Bible but the human condition. There’s no judgment here by him or anyone else in church leadership.

No ‘Lone Rangers’ Here

We are not a church who believes we can do all this by ourselves or that we are the only ones who know how to do these things right. We work with other churches, both inside and outside our denomination, to reach the lost (those who have not experienced a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ) both next door and around the world. Our church gives a tithe (10% of its offerings) to ministries outside our church including missionaries and Christian workers serving in the US and around the world.

Off the Sidelines, Into the Game

We know not everyone feels called to worship or serve in a small-church setting, a place where everyone is needed as a participant and not just a spectator, but those of us who gather at JCity Church each week to worship and serve would love for you to consider joining us in God’s work in this community. If you don’t know anything about church and haven’t the foggiest idea about how to have a vital, growing, love affair with your Creator, we would love the opportunity to share with you what we are learning on our journey. We are not perfect examples of Christ-followers, but we do love Him dearly and are grateful recipients of His grace—a grace we extend to you.